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Exploring translations between social classes

Let’s suppose you’ve received a dataset which contains the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) on occupations of respondents in a survey. In particular, you’ve got only the ISCO classification for the year 1968, which is a bit outdated. With the package DIGCLASS you can translate that classiciation to many others. Let’s load our package and use the data ess which contains ISCO68 from the European Social Survey.

#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

#> # A tibble: 48,285 × 12
#>    isco68 isco88 isco88com isco08 emplno self_employed is_supervisor
#>    <chr>  <chr>  <chr>     <chr>   <dbl>         <dbl>         <dbl>
#>  1 5890   5169   5169      5414        0             1             0
#>  2 2120   1222   1222      1321        0             0             1
#>  3 7200   8120   8120      3135        0             0             0
#>  4 9310   7141   7141      7131        0             0             1
#>  5 6220   6111   6111      6111        0             0             0
#>  6 6220   6111   6111      6111        0             0             1
#>  7 9595   9313   9313      9313        0             0             1
#>  8 6000   1221   1221      1311        0             0             1
#>  9 6000   1221   1221      1311        2             1             1
#> 10 6220   6111   6111      6111        0             0             1
#> # ℹ 48,275 more rows
#> # ℹ 5 more variables: control_work <dbl>, control_daily <dbl>,
#> #   work_status <dbl>, main_activity <dbl>, agea <dbl>

As you can see, this dataset contains isco68, isco88 and isco08. Assume for a second that you do not have isco88 and isco08 and you’d like to translate isco68 to other class schemas. In DIGCLASS you will find all functions that translate isco68 begin with isco68_. So if you typed on your text editor isco68_ and hit TAB, presumably you’ll get auto-completion for all possible translations. Here’s a selected number of translations you can get for isco68:

# Set `labels` to `FALSE` to obtain
# the translated number instead of the label
labs <- FALSE

# For some class schemas we use the number of employees that
# the respondent has in their job. Here we're just recoding
# some values that are missing.
ess <- ess %>% mutate(emplno = if_else(emplno > 10000, 0, emplno))

# Translate `isco68` to many class schemas
ess %>%
  select(isco68, self_employed, emplno) %>%
    isco88 = isco68_to_isco88(isco68, label = labs),
    isco08 = isco68_to_isco08(isco68, label = labs),
    siops = isco68_to_siops(isco68),
    isei = isco68_to_isei(isco68),
    egp = isco68_to_egp(isco68, self_employed, emplno, label = labs),
#> # A tibble: 48,285 × 6
#>    isco68 isco88 isco08 siops isei  egp  
#>    <chr>  <chr>  <chr>  <chr> <chr> <chr>
#>  1 5890   5169   5414   30    35    6    
#>  2 2120   1220   1321   64    67    2    
#>  3 7200   7220   8120   38    34    8    
#>  4 9310   7141   7131   31    32    8    
#>  5 6220   9211   9211   21    16    10   
#>  6 6220   9211   9211   21    16    10   
#>  7 9595   9313   9313   15    24    9    
#>  8 6000   1311   6100   48    46    11   
#>  9 6000   1311   6100   48    46    11   
#> 10 6220   9211   9211   21    16    10   
#> # ℹ 48,275 more rows

As you can see, we got all translations done rather quickly.

DIGCLASS aims to have a consistent interface, meaning that if you happen to have ISCO88 instead of ISCO68, the same convention for all functions is used:

ess %>%
  select(isco88, self_employed, emplno) %>%
    isco68 = isco88_to_isco68(isco88, label = labs),
    isco88com = isco88_to_isco88com(isco88, label = labs),
    isco08 = isco88_to_isco08(isco88, label = labs),
    siops = isco88_to_siops(isco88),
    isei = isco88_to_isei(isco88),
    mps = isco88_to_mps(isco88),
    egp = isco88_to_egp(isco88, self_employed, emplno, label = labs),
    oesch = isco88_to_oesch(isco88, self_employed, emplno, label = labs)
#> # A tibble: 48,285 × 9
#>    isco88 isco68 isco88com isco08 siops isei  mps   egp   oesch
#>    <chr>  <chr>  <chr>     <chr>  <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#>  1 5169   5890   5169      5419   30    40    56.1  9     4    
#>  2 1222   2120   1222      1321   60    67    93.9  1     9    
#>  3 8120   7200   8120      8120   40    30    NA    8     8    
#>  4 7141   9310   7141      7131   31    29    52.5  8     7    
#>  5 6111   6220   6111      6111   40    23    41.9  10    7    
#>  6 6111   6220   6111      6111   40    23    41.9  10    7    
#>  7 9313   9595   9313      9313   15    21    24.7  9     8    
#>  8 1221   6000   1221      1311   60    67    112.3 11    9    
#>  9 1221   6000   1221      1311   60    67    112.3 11    3    
#> 10 6111   6220   6111      6111   40    23    41.9  10    7    
#> # ℹ 48,275 more rows

Similarly, you can apply transformations for ISCO08 following the same skeleton. For this one let’s see labs = TRUE to check the labels:

labs <- TRUE

ess %>%
  select(isco08, self_employed, emplno) %>%
    isco88 = isco08_to_isco88(isco08, label = labs),
    siops = isco08_to_siops(isco08),
    isei = isco08_to_isei(isco08),
    oesch = isco08_to_oesch(isco08, self_employed, emplno, label = labs)
#> # A tibble: 48,285 × 5
#>    isco08 isco88                                               siops isei  oesch
#>    <chr>  <chr>                                                <chr> <chr> <chr>
#>  1 5414   'Protective services workers not elsewhere classifi… 27.89 27    'Sma…
#>  2 1321   'Production and operations department managers in m… 64.00 63    'Hig…
#>  3 3135   'Metal-processing-plant operators'                   34.91 37    'Tec…
#>  4 7131   'Painters and related workers'                       30.92 33    'Ski…
#>  5 6111   'Field crop and vegetable growers'                   43.53 16    'Ski…
#>  6 6111   'Field crop and vegetable growers'                   43.53 16    'Ski…
#>  7 9313   'Building construction labourers'                    15.00 22    'Low…
#>  8 1311   'Production and operations department managers in a… 61.15 60    'Low…
#>  9 1311   'Production and operations department managers in a… 61.15 60    'Sma…
#> 10 6111   'Field crop and vegetable growers'                   43.53 16    'Ski…
#> # ℹ 48,275 more rows

Notice that some classes translate to the labels (isco88 and oesch) but others like isei and siops are actual numeric translations. That’s because they don’t have a label argument; they are continuous scales.

Note that swapping the first part of the function (isco88_ or isco68_) for another ISCO will not always work because not all isco** have the same translations. Be sure to check the reference of functions to see which translations are available for each ISCO class schema.